Day: December 2, 2013

  • It’s True Adolf Hitler is a Part of Volkswagen History

    You may not know that even the most luxurious cars in the word only take about half an ounce of gas to start the engine, which is about one third of the way up a shot glass. This includes all cars, from BMW’s, Maserati’s, and Benz’s, to Volkswagens. Local car dealers carry all of these…

  • Prevent Electrical Fires Using These Simple Tools

    Did you know that, just a few months ago in September 2013, a fire ravaged a New Jersey boardwalk, burning down 50 businesses in the process? What started the fire? According to CBS, authorities chalked the fire up to damaged electrical wiring. Carefully inspecting wires and cables, and taking preventive measures to prevent damage and…

  • Build or Buy? A Dilemma Experienced by Many Potential Home Buyers

    A dilemma many potential home buyers face in the buying process involves the decision of buying resale or building new. Believe it or not, a lot of money can be saved in buying a new custom built home, instead of buying used. The housing crisis and the Great Recession interrupted a 15-year long increasing trend…